Operation OUTreach - Renovation of Walmer High School in Walmer township

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14 June 2017
Operation OUTreach forms part of the OUTsurance Helping South Africa OUT campaign, which has touched the lives of many South Africans.

Operation OUTreach, the charity campaign orchestrated by OUTsurance Insurance and Algoa FM, has set its next project: the Curt Warmberg Haven Wellness Centre. Operation OUTreach forms part of the OUTsurance Helping South Africa OUT campaign, which has touched the lives of many South Africans.


The Woman of Distinction Awards is an annual event hosted by Algoa FM where they recognise, honour and celebrate women in the Eastern Cape who make a difference in their communities. Last year the award went to Eurina "Totsie" Stowman, who manages The Curt Warmberg Haven and Wellness Centre.

The "Haven Wellness" centre was started in April 2005 when a concerned group of people from the surrounding community realised the need for a holistic intervention that would address the needs of the destitute people living with HIV/AIDS, poverty, hunger, TB and other chronic diseases. Eurina "Totsi" Stowman, lost two very close friends to AIDS in a short space of time. This spurred her to garner support from close friends and the hiring of a "backroom" within a shopping complex where they were able to accommodate two patients.

The centre has faced many challenges, one of which was the operating premises. Not only did they have leaky roofs, poor ventilation but they were also at risk of being auctioned off. A Good Samaritan by the name of Clive Warmberg came to the rescue and bought the building. Consequently the centre became known as the Curt Warmberg Haven and Wellness centre - in memory of Clive's son, Curt, who tragically died in a car accident. The centre now has a long lease on this building.

The centre has grown drastically since and accommodates over 20 patients. The centre also offers support programmes within the suburbs of Bufallo Flats, Parkridge, Pefferville, Duncan Village and Isiphinzana. It provides a vital service to the previously disadvantaged communities who are still experiencing difficulties related to unemployment, crime and high rates of HIV/AIDS.

Helping OUT

The Clive Warmberg centre started renovations to one of the rooms with the intention of converting it into a sun room/TV room and convert their current TV room into an additional bedroom, thus creating space to accommodate more patients. However, due to lack of funds they could not complete the renovations.

Operation OUTreach aims to assist in completing the renovations and to possibly obtain furniture, paint and an entertainment system for these rooms. Furthermore, OUTsurance will donate R50 of each completed insurance quote to the centre.

Other projects undertaken by OUTsurance Insurance include: Walmer High School, The House of Restoration Educational Community Development Centre, Sakh'ingomso Children's Ministry and the Frank Moodie Play & Edu-Care Centre.

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