Basic vaccination protocol for cats and dogs

Vaccinations protect pets and your family from several highly contagious diseases.

They work by stimulating your pet’s immune system to create antibodies against viruses and bacteria that cause disease. In turn, these antibodies will help destroy the same diseases should they be exposed to it in the future.

What vaccinations does my puppy/adult dog need?
  • 5-in-1 to protect against
  1. distemper virus (hardpad disease) 
  2. hepatitis (adenovirus type 1)  
  3. respiratory disease (adenovirus type 2)
  4. parvovirus (parvo)
  5. parainfluenza virus (causes pneumonia). 
  • Rabies 
  • Bordetella bronchiseptica (kennel cough)

- for dogs staying at kennels

What vaccinations does my kitten/adult cat need?
  • 4-in-1 to protect against

- viral rhinotracheitis (feline herpesvirus type-1)

- calicivirus (cause respiratory disease)

- feline chlamydiosis

- panleukopenia.

  • Rabies 
  • Snuffles (bordetella bronchiseptica)

- for cats staying at catteries.

Recommended vaccination schedules for dogs and cats
Useful information
Canine parvovirus

This is a very contagious, debilitating and widespread viral infection. This virus is spread through infected faeces. This highly resistant virus remains in the environment for many months. Symptoms include high fever, listlessness, vomiting and blood-stained diarrhoea. This is a potentially fatal disease. 

Feline viral rhinotracheitis

Just as with the human common cold, the virus that causes this upper respiratory tract infection is easily transmitted from one cat to another. This disease is easily spread between cats in close contact. Symptoms may take the form of moderate fever, loss of appetite, sneezing, eye and nasal discharge and coughing. Kittens are particularly affected, but this disease can be dangerous in any unprotected cat, as effective treatments are limited. Even if a cat recovers, it can remain a carrier for life.

Canine distemper

This is an often fatal, hard-to-treat disease. It is highly contagious and is spread by discharges from the nose and eyes of infected dogs. Symptoms can include listlessness, fever, coughing, diarrhoea and vomiting, convulsions and paralysis. The distemper virus attacks many organs, including the nervous system, which may be permanently damaged, even if the dog recovers from the illness.

Feline leukaemia

The feline leukaemia virus can result in a multitude of serious health problems for your cat – everything from cancerous conditions such as leukaemia to a wide range of secondary infections caused by the destruction of the immune system. After initial exposure to the virus, a cat may show no symptoms of its presence for months, if not years, yet all the while infecting other cats. Testing is available to determine the FeLV status of your cat. We strongly advise that all cats are tested, and if negative, vaccinated against this extremely dangerous disease.

Infectious canine hepatitis

This is caused by canine adenovirus type 1. The disease is transmitted among dogs by contact with secretions, such as saliva, infected urine or faeces. Its symptoms are similar to those of the early stages of distemper, causing liver failure, eye damage and breathing problems, the course of this disease can range from mild to fatal.

Feline calicivirus

This virus is another major cause of upper respiratory tract infection in cats. Widespread and highly contagious, its symptoms of fever, ulcers and blisters on the tongue and pneumonia can range from mild to severe, depending on the strain of virus present. Once again, treatment of this disease can be difficult. Even if recovery does take place, a recovered cat can continue to infect other animals, as well as experience chronic sneezing and runny eyes.

Canine coronavirus

This virus attacks the intestinal system and can be fatal to puppies. Symptoms may develop quickly and can include vomiting, diarrhoea, dehydration, loss of appetite and depression. 

Feline panleukopenia

This disease is caused by a virus so resistant; it can survive for up to one year outside a cat’s body. Therefore, the infection rates in unprotected cats are high and vaccination is the only way to protect them from this potentially fatal disease. Symptoms include listlessness, diarrhoea, vomiting, severe dehydration and fever. Treatment is extremely difficult, and even if recovery takes place for a period of time, an infected cat can spread the disease to other animals.

Feline chlamydiosis

This bacterial disease is responsible for 15 – 20% of all feline respiratory diseases. It is extremely contagious, especially in young kittens and the infection rate is very high. It causes a local infection of the mucus membranes of the eyes, but may also involve the lungs. Chlamydiosis can be transmitted to humans by direct contact.

Infectious tracheo-bronchitis (kennel cough)

Just as with the human common cold, this respiratory tract infection is easily transmitted from one dog to another. The vaccination is imperative if your dog will come into contact with other dogs, e.g. obedience training, boarding at kennels, or playing in the park. The disease is caused by various air-borne bacteria and viruses, including canine parainfluenza virus and canine adenovirus type 2. Bordetella bronchiseptica is one of the main causes of the disease and requires a separate vaccine. Symptoms of kennel cough is a dry, hacking cough.

Bordetella bronchiseptica

Bordetella bronchiseptica is one of the major causes of upper respiratory infections in cats.  This is a highly contagious disease and is spread through close contact with other animals. We advise that your pets are vaccinated against this disease. In cats an intranasal vaccine is used.


This incurable and fatal disease affects the central nervous system of almost all mammals, including humans. It is spread through contact with the saliva of infected animals through bites or any breaks in the skin.